
Our Offers

At You’ve Come To The Right Place, we understand the importance of finding the right bank for your financial needs. With our extensive knowledge and expertise in the industry, we are confident that we can provide you with the best banking options available.

Bank for Sell

The asking price for the different companies are as follows:


1. GBP 6,325,000 – EMI (Operational company in the UK with corporate clients)
2. EUR 6,440,000 – EMI (Payments business with 400 clients and multi-currency accounts)
3. EUR 2,530,000 – EMI (EMI established in 2019 with payment rails in EU and Ukraine)
4. EUR 2,415,000 – EMI (Previously active EMI in the UK without clients but with integrations and IT)
5. EUR 8,625,000 – EMI (Prosperous business with high-risk clients and active IBANs)
6. GBP 920,000 – SEMI (Money transferring and online banking company)
7. GBP 184,000 – SPI (Money remittance business with CRM system and applications)
8. GBP 31,050,000 – API (API with agreements with major payment networks and 200 corporate customers)
9. GBP 287,500 – API (API with payment initiation and account information services)
10. EUR 2,530,000 – API (Previously active API with Mastercard membership and multiple payment options)
11. GBP 1,610,000 – API (API specializing in card acquiring with a high-risk client portfolio)
12. EUR 1,840,000 – API (API servicing Ukrainian migrants in UK and Poland with mobile apps)
13. EUR 632,500 – API (Money remittance business with a focus on Pakistan)
14. EUR 598,000 – API (Sleeping money remittance business with a few transactions weekly)
15. GBP 460,000 – API (API with rental software and cash collection points in UK)
16. EUR 586,500 – API (Money remittance business with 35k monthly profit)
17. EUR 437,000 – API (Previously inactive API with pending EMI application)
18. GBP 10,350,000 – API (Aged company with active clients and payment rail connectivity)


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Industry Focused Services!



GPI Sender is Available with Perfect Raito & Trusted Sender


SBLC Provider is avalable in format of lease & puchase. From first classs & prime bank. With BPU.

List of Useful Information and Business Questions

GPI Sender is Available with Perfect Raito & Trusted Sender